Competitive Rallies

Exclusively for Pony Club members, in a variety of disciplines.

Compete to test your knowledge against other members from different regions.

You will work with a team to ensure that each horse and rider is properly turned out and prepared to compete to the best of their abilities.

  1. Be a member of the USPC, Virginia Region Pony Club, and MOCPC.
  2. Create an account on VRPC and login.
  3. Check the VRPC calendar for upcoming rallies.
  4. Register for the rally on the VRPC website.
  5. Submit required paperwork.
  6. Pay for your entries online.
  7. Participate in the event
  8. Receive 50% of your entry fee back.


Virginia Region Pony Club

Types of Rallies

Team members are unmounted and are tested on their equine knowledge in five separate phases. Topics range from horse care to horse sports to general equine knowledge and can offer a hands-on component.

Follows all rules outlined in the current discipline rulebooks and Horse Management Handbook including utilizing a Chief Horse management judge from the national CHMJ list, as well as any other specified licensed officials.

Does not specifically follow the discipline rulebooks and generally occurs because of limited resources. This could potentially include: not utilizing a CHMJ from the current approved CHMJ list or not utilizing specified licensed officials.

Gives you a chance to experience a Pony Club rally without the pressure of preparing a horse. It is conducted like a regular competition where you set up a tack room and stalls, and are judged on your Horse Management skills.

Start shaping your future today!

For the horse crazy kid, this means having an early opportunity to learn safe handling, riding, and sportsmanship from equestrian experts.

Here's how to join to start taking lessons!


Join the parent club by completing the member section of the USPC application. Sign pages 1 and 2, then make a copy of both pages.


Join our local chapter by submitting your application with the USPC application copies and your dues payable by check. Your dues for the Virginia Region Pony Club will be collected at the same time.


Check the calendar.

Find out when activities are happening so you can plan your schedule.


Start learning.

Build the foundation of proper horsemanship with a structured lesson plan and practice your skills under expert supervision.


Test your skills.

Measure your growth over the years by earning certificates from D-level up to A-level and by participating in friendly group competitions called rallies.


Get involved.

Volunteer to support activities and attend membership meetings.

US Pony Club Logo
United States Pony Club
Virginia Region Pony Club logo
Virginia Region Pony Club

Questions about competitive rallies?